In his recently published book, “Attitude: Develop a Winning Mindset on and off the Court”, winning Villanova Basketball Coach Jay Wright underscores the importance of each individual affiliated with the team’s successes and losses. From the student assistants to the players and the coaching staff, each member has a role to play for the championship team.

It’s the same for your office. Each staff member has a role to play, with their specific functions on the medical practice team, as well as their interactions with patients, and the personality they each bring into work each day. From the initial moment when the office phone is answered, through the delivery of care, the financial arrangements, the record keeping and all communications – each member of your team can contribute to the successful process.

And, when there are mistakes made in the process, these are opportunities to learn and grow as a team.
To coordinate your staff’s success as a team, systems can be refined and developed which standardize office operations. Of course there will be variations because patients bring the wonderful human aspect to the playing field. But just as there are standard protocols for delivering patient care, design and implement standard office procedures and scripting to GUIDE your staff so that the team has its best chance of success.