Call it March Madness, call it Spring Cleaning- but whatever you call it, just force yourself to address it!

Walk into your office during non-patient hours, and view it from a patient’s point of view. Does it feel comfortable and welcoming? Is there the opportunity for the patient to hold a private financial conversation at the front desk? Is there clutter which has built up over the months (years?!) which needs to be removed? Are plaques which display “Best of “ Honors recent? How about the furniture and the walls and the carpet? Which might need cleaning or changing? It is remarkable what a fresh coat of paint can do to brighten the office. With smart phones, people less frequently read the dozens of magazines traditionally in an office – use this change to reduce your subscription expenses as well as office clutter by narrowing it down to a few selections.

Take this same approach with your office and the administrative offices, even if they are out of sight from patient view. Taking the time now to de-clutter really does make a difference. You will find what you need more easily and be able to focus on important tasks more readily. Try it!

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